
What do you find when you look under the shells that everyone shows to the world? What are people really like? Who are we really when we think no one’s looking?

When we watch the news, what’s really being said; what are the hidden agendas; who benefits most?

Underneath it all, do we even care?

Things That Make You Go Mad

Things that make you go mad…

Angry people that can’t admit their mistakes

And then… And then the guilt trip that comes along with trying to gently get them to see the mistakes that they made…

So angry, and then what do you have to show for it all?

Not a damned thing except being sick and tired of being sick and tired.

Stacks of empty pill bottles lined up on the desk, and again you wonder where all that time went and you have nothing… N0thing left… Nothing but cold empty feelings, black spaces where feelings used to be…

Left wondering about what could have been, and wondering why…  Why looking outside makes the rest of the world such a scary place.

Outside… A big scary world, and everything seems bigger when you get closer to it, like a child lost in a forest…

Things… Madness and anger and being lost…